Neck Saviour
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necksaviours create traction

necksaviours create traction

We've always known that necksaviours create neck traction, that's what they were designed to do! 

The forces they create were tested on a tailor made jig at The University of Hertfordshire's Engineering department.

It was great for us to get further evidence of the effect they create with X-ray imaging.

We had X-rays carried out both with and without necksaviour in place.

A consultant radiographer reported that the disc spaces were more visualised on the X-ray with necksaviour.

Improved disc space means less pressure on discs and facet joints and more space for spinal nerve roots. This should in turn mean less symptoms such as pain and muscle spasm.

X-ray of a neck, with necksaviour


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  • Brigitte Marshall
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