necksaviour: A Trusted Companion for 8 Years of Neck Relief

Sometimes I forget how long ago we started the necksaviour journey. We had a great reminder this week when one of our customers got in touch and ordered a brand new one to replace her rather grubby looking 8 year old one!!
This customer has used it regularly since she bought it on the recommendation of her physio. It was still functioning but she felt it was time for a refresh - see photos below! It's in quite a state but very pleased it has served her so well.
necksaviours are made from super durable foams so that they can be used literally hundreds of times for neck pain and headache relief whenever and wherever required.
Customers can also return their old necksaviours to us so that they can be recycled optimally and also receive a discount on a brand new one :)
- Brigitte Marshall
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